MEMBER Society’s Broadcast with Us Your Societies Full Name as it should appear on the Add * Advertisement Type Upcoming Event General Announcment Event Title * Event Type: * (Dinner, gala, gathering, drinks) Location of The Event * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Date of The Event * MM DD YYYY Time Hour Minute Second AM PM Cost of The Event * Purpose / Mission of The Event * Description of The Event * (What is the value proposition, What will i get?) Provide any links you would like included * (Links such as buy tickets or reserve your seat or visit this site for more information, Donate now, if you have no links simply type in no links). Event Point of Contacts If you have more then two point of contacts for an event, please email additional persons to Name (Point of Contact #1) * Point of Contact #1 First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Name (Point of Contact #2) Point of Contact #2 First Name Last Name Email Phone (###) ### #### Send us your Flyer or promotional material to Acknowledgments * I understand that all press releases and announcements are subject to approval by the executive board. Events and announcements without promotional material, such as flyers or graphic art, might not be approved for press releases. Furthermore all press releases will be sent to all enlisted members via an email only once with our monthly newsletter. Further I understand that in order to submit press releases, my Syllogo needs to be in good standing with the federation and all dues paid for. I Understand and agree with all the conditions Thank you! Your submission has been received and will be reviewed shortly.Remember to send any pictures or flyers to